For five years in a row he has received the coveted Best Armenian International Singer, Best Armenian World Artist and Best Armenian World Album awards. In a gala ceremony at Universal Studios, he was named Persian Pop Male Singer of the Decade. His music was recently chosen by the JPF “Independent Music” Awards Best Middle Eastern Album and Song. In the United States, he has played for the last five years to critical acclaim at the Greek Theatre in Los Angeles, as well as the prestigious Kodak Theatre in Hollywood and large scale venues in Las Vegas. His touring schedule regularly includes locales rarely if ever performed in by American-based artists such as Armenia, Uzbekistan, and cities Tashkent, Samarghand, and in the Middle East, the United Arab Emirates, amongst others, spreading his universal message of love and joy. He plays to sold-out venues all over the United States, Europe, Canada, Australia, Russia and the Middle East. When Andys not acting or producing movie scores, Andys a musical trailblazer forging a new path that redefines traditional musical borders.

He has also recently participated in the prestigious recording session for WORLD PEACE ONE which features some of the world’s most successful Artists uniting to promote peace. and first made his mark on ABC’s 2001 production of the “ Princess and the Marine”. He also participated in a film noir short "The Florist". Recent appearances include the indie films “Futbaal” and Guide Company Films “The Keeper” (The Legend of Omar Khayyam) with Academy Award Winner Vanessa Redgrave, Andy plays the governor of the ancient city of Samarkand and DREAMWORKS’ “The House of Sand and Fog” ( Sir Ben Kingsley and Jennifer Connelly) where Andy sings in the film and contributed to the score. Hes also a natural leading man - handsome, a commanding presence, sense of humour., plus all the talent needed to tackle Tinseltown. For VIP/Bottle service, please call (877)846-1360 Thank youīringing matinee idol charisma to the silver screen and concert stage is ANDY, Persia’s legendary artist, aka “The Prince of Persia” or “The Persian Elvis” in media circles, who has released multiple albums selling in the millions throughout the world.

GA (Standing room only $65 LOGES $85-$120 BALCONY $75 Proof of vaccination or a negative test result within 48 hours MUST be provided at the door. THE BOX OFFICE WILL BE OPEN EVERY TUESDAY FROM 12:00 PM TO 6:00 PM AND ON SHOW NIGHTS.