
Calculadora inteligente serial
Calculadora inteligente serial

calculadora inteligente serial

Contact any serial application or device remotely. The AXIS 2490 replaces one or two serial servers, long clumsy cables and a PC, to make for a tidy, convenient, installation that is seriously cost-effective compared to any traditional RS232 solution. It supports high data rates and high data throughput. It enables 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps Ethernet network access to serial devices using TCP/IP or HTTP as the transport protocol. With its own built-in Web server, the AXIS 2490 allows direct access from any browser on the network to provide full Web-based control of the management and configuration functions. Two AXIS 2490s connect to each other in back-to-back configuration to provide a virtual extension cable.This method is suitable for old applications that use the serial port but are not able to use a COM Port Redirector. A PC connects to the network-connected AXIS 2490.

calculadora inteligente serial

A PC application uses a network socket or COM Port Redirector to communicate with the AXIS 2490 and connecting serial devices.The AXIS 2490 can be set up in any of the following physical configurations: With the AXIS 2490 Serial Server, it's now possible to connect serial devices directly to a network without using a PC and empowering applications with convenient remote access to serial resources over HTTP and TCP/IP. This restrictive method demands the use of dedicated PCs and limits the distance of communication to the length of physical cable. The traditional way of installing serial devices is to connect them to directly to PCs via serial cables or a modem.

Calculadora inteligente serial